Tuesday, October 22, 2013

The Light of Ireland - Night One

(A series of posts leading up to/including The Nocturnes Photo Tour in the West of Ireland, July 15-25, 2013; with a personal Genealogical Research Extension, in and around Ballina, July 25-29 - with follow-up posts continuing here!)

Well, we awoke from our nap to a wonderful meal. We had home-made garden pea soup with mint, salad, carrot salad, potato salad, haddock tart, and berry crumble with cream and custard. Excellent!

Then we took a walk down to the bay to scope out some subjects for our first night of shooting. At 9:00 PM we gathered our night gear and headed down the road to the Mary of the Road statue.

Afterglow did not start until 10:30 PM. At 11:15 PM we walked back up to the house. Sunset still could be seen in the distance over the ocean. We then walked up the hill behind the house to play with some light and try-out our cameras. By 11:40 PM there still was too much light in the sky to see any stars. The stars may have been out by midnight, but by then the clouds had obscured the sky.

With this knowledge, night photography does not begin until midnight on a summer Ireland night. We will probably be doing some all-nighters in the week ahead.

Now we are off to bed. Breakfast is at 8:30 AM and then we hit the road!


From The [not so] Daily Nocturne

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