Saturday, January 01, 2011

Begin the Beguine . . .

In the past year, as I developed "The History of Night Photography" - a standalone course (formerly part of The Nocturnes 3-night Workshops), I found my attention repeatedly drawn to the significance of those who came before us. I believe that we learn from the study of those early pioneers of NPy and the hurdles they had to overcome - we gain perspective, as well as technical, practical insight. As Michael Kenna has commented: "I think many creative people are compilations of influences, wedded to some aspect of their own uniqueness. Few work in a vacuum, as Isaac Newton alluded: 'If I have achieved anything, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants' - or words to that effect."
Here then, we begin to present some of the highlights of the presentation, split into four parts, covering 1850 to the present. We will be revealing more of these tidbits in the weeks to come. 
Daguerrotype by John Adams Whipple, 1852
From The [not so] Daily Nocturne

("When they begin the beguine / it brings back the sound / of music so tender")

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