An email from Charity Vargas (sitting in NYC somewhere, reading PDN) recently alerted us to the following:

As part of their Photo Annual 2008, (still on newsstands, but hurry!) in their feature entitled “46 Reasons to Love Photography Now” Photo District News has this to say about “contemporary practices that function in the dark . . . are flourishing, backed by strong communities of photographers who support each other, share advice, and show their work online.” Tracing NPy’s pedigree back to the late 1800s, the article points out that study was “reignited in the 1970s: thru the efforts of NPy pioneers/educators Steve Harper, Richard Misrach, and Arthur Ollman. PDN writer, Alan Rapp further states: “Today the nexus of the movement is the Bay Area community known as The Nocturnes. These photographers helped advance Night Photography toward becoming a genre unto itself.” And he goes on to point out the many activities we sponsor, mostly around California.
The second part of the article focuses on the Urban Exploration movement, and its link to the NPy world, mentioning the work of our own Troy Paiva.
(Do you think my horn is in tune? Toot, toot!)
Hi, Tim:
Thanks for alerting me to the PDN article. It is very nice to be recognized and acknowledged for that which iyou are fulfilled by.
Congratulations to you and the Nocturnes site!
I love the image farther down on the page of the Radar Screen? with the Full Moon or a very Major Planet rising or falling behind it!
What's a NPy?
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