First, we received word that an interview with our own Tom Paiva is now available online at MAGNAchrom.com in their Night Photography Issue. You have to register, but it's free for a huge PDF of the entire issue.
Next word is, that the July/August issue of Architecture Boston is devoted to the "night" - with an article on "The Tradition and Technology of Night Photography" penned by our East Coast affilliate, Lance Keimig. Lots of PDFs here as well - Lance's piece is entitled "Shooting the Moon."
Finally, none other than the Victorville Press (CA) ran an article about Troy Paiva's desert excursions with a camera and cadre of illuminants.
Can you match the article to the image of author above?
Look for the promised follow-up to the "Long Moments" post below - in the next few days . . .
(from The Nocturnes NightNews feed)