Did you know that I'll be leading an introductory NPy Workshop on Mare Island this weekend - as part of the SF Bay Area Flyway Festival?
Just to see if anyone is paying attention - we MAY have two or three slots available for this special (FREE) Introduction to Night Photography (Saturday, February 3rd, from 8-11pm in Mare Island's Historic Core) and my favorite place to photograph. So-o-o, if you respond here to this post, we'll put your name on a LITTLE sheet of paper, in a BIG box, and do a drawing to see who gets the slots (provided there are any - from the participants of the Flyway Festival).
Of course, if we get a flood of registrations from the Flyway, this offer will be void. The deadline for those people attending the Festival (and we're on the Honor System here, folks!) is February 1, 2007 - we can let you know if you're one of the lucky ones to go - we'll let you know by email that night.
Stay tuned . . .